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When I analyzed my personality with a 16-type personality diagnosis, the result was that I was an ENFP type “pirate king who pursues excitement”.

この性格診断テストは、欧米のキャリアカウンセリングなどで標準的な検査として利用されているパーソナリティ検査を元に、オリジナルの脚色をして作成した性格診断です。あくまでも参考程度にご利用ください。 この性格診断により、自分を知り、他人を知ることで、人はそれぞれ違うんだという理解が進み、自分も他人も許せるようになるといいなと思います。 This personality diagnosis test is a personality diagnosis created with an original adaptation based on the personality test used as a standard test in career counseling in Europe and the United States. Please use it as a reference only. I hope that by getting to know yourself and others through this personality test, you will be able to understand that people are different, and you will be able to forgive yourself and others. (translated by strans) https://motivation-up.com/whats/16type.html

I believe that if you have a firm understanding of yourself and the other person’s personality, we will be able to communicate comfortably. Therefore, I will reveal my character first.